House amendment makes the following changes to the 2nd edition. Amends GS 115C-234.10 by adding to the items that must be included in a local board of education's plan to offer a remote academy, the means by which the local school administrative unit will communicate to the parents and legal guardians of prospective applicants and current enrollees information about the remote academy so that parents and legal guardians may make informed decisions about enrollment.
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View NCGA Bill Details | 2021 |
Bill History:
Wed, 21 Apr 2021 House: Filed
Mon, 26 Apr 2021 House: Passed 1st Reading
Tue, 4 May 2021 House: Reptd Fav Com Substitute
Tue, 4 May 2021 House: Reptd Fav
Tue, 4 May 2021 House: Cal Pursuant Rule 36(b)
Tue, 4 May 2021 House: Placed On Cal For 05/05/2021
Wed, 5 May 2021 House: Amend Adopted A1
Wed, 5 May 2021 House: Passed 2nd Reading
Wed, 5 May 2021 House: Passed 3rd Reading
Wed, 5 May 2021 House: Ordered Engrossed
Thu, 6 May 2021 House: Regular Message Sent To Senate
Thu, 6 May 2021 Senate: Regular Message Received From House
Thu, 6 May 2021 Senate: Passed 1st Reading
Thu, 6 May 2021 Senate: Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate
Bill Summaries:
Bill H 644 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 5 2021 - View Summary
Bill H 644 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 4 2021 - View Summary
House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes.
Adds the following uncodified content.
Provides that a local school administrative unit that has been assigned a school code to operate a school with virtual instruction as the primary means of instruction by May 1, 2021, may continue operation to satisfy the minimum required number of instructional days or hours for the school calendar during the 2021-22 school year, notwithstanding new Part 3A, Article 16 of GS Chapter 115C as enacted.
Allows charters schools to provide blended learning that includes virtual instruction during the 2021-22 school year if the Office of Charter Schools has approved a curriculum amendment allowing blended learning for that school for the 2021-22 school year by September 1, 2021.
Bill H 644 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 21 2021 - View Summary
Enacts Part 3A, Remote Academies, to Article 16, GS Chapter 115C, as follows. Allows for local boards of education to apply to the State Board of Education (State Board) for approval of remote academies, defined as a public school that provides a majority of instructional hours through remote instruction (as defined) to all students enrolled in the school. Caps total enrollment in remote academies to no more than 10% of the total student enrollment in that unit. Establishes caps for the number of remote academies per local school administrative unit based on student enrollment at the time of application, ranging from one to five remote academies authorized. Prohibits a local board from providing a majority of instructional hours through remote instruction in a school except as in provided in new Part 3A. Requires remote academies to meet all other requirements of public schools, except as provided in new Part 3A. Does not require remote academies to provide transportation or food services to enrolled students. Permits a remote academy to include any combination of grade levels. Details student eligibility to attend a remote academy, with an emphasis on parent commitment to provide connectivity for an accepted student. Requires the remote academy to provide needed hardware and software for participation at no cost except for damage or loss. Provides for limited in-person requirements, such as State-mandated student assessments. Directs the State Board to establish minimum requirements for student monitoring by rule as specified.
Details the remote academy approval process, including submission of a plan that addresses ten required components, review by the State Board and approval for a period of five years, with renewals permitted in five-year terms upon resubmission of an application. Grants the State Board authority to revoke approval for substantial noncompliance with the Part or the approved plan. Requires State Board written approval for plan modifications. Requires approved remote academies to be receive a school code and an assigned principal. Provides for annual evaluation of remote academies by the State Board; directs the State Board to annually report to the specified NCGA committee on the evaluations.
Requires the State Board to adopt emergency implementing rules for the 2021-22 school year only. Directs the State Board to make its first evaluation report by November 15, 2022.
Applies beginning with the 2021-22 school year.