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View NCGA Bill Details(link is external)2025-2026 Session
Senate Bill 95 (Public) Filed Thursday, February 13, 2025
Intro. by Hanig, Moffitt.

Status: Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) (Feb 17 2025)

SOG comments (1):

Identical bill

Identical to H 184, filed 2/24/25.

S 95

Bill Summaries:

  • Summary date: Feb 13 2025 - View Summary

    Section 1

    Directs the Residential Code Council (Council) to amend the Residential Code (Code) in order to permit dimension lumber that has not been grade-stamped under the authority of a lumber grading bureau to be used in the construction of one-and two-family dwellings, so long as these criteria are met: (1) that the lumber is sold directly by the sawmill owner or employee to the dwelling owner or owner's authorized representative; (2) the dimension lumber meets or exceeds all other Code requirements; (3) the sawmill operator has a certificate from a state-approved lumber grading training program, certifying that the lumber conforms with product and inspection standards under American Softwood Lumber Standard PS20 and marks the lumber as required; (4) that the appropriate code enforcement official reviews the dwelling's framing to ensure it meets all other requirements, with immunity from civil and professional liability for structural failure resulting from the use of dimension lumber; and (5) the sawmill gives the purchaser a certificate that contains the specified information.

    Also requires the Council to amend the Code and the North Carolina Building Code in order to permit dimension lumber that has not been grade-stamped under the authority of a lumber grading bureau to be used in the construction of one- and two-family dwellings and structures classified as Residential Group R-2 or R-3, when that use meets the same five requirements specified above, except allows the lumber to be sold directly by the owner or employee of a small mill or a mobile sawmill and makes conforming references to such a facility.

    Requires the Council to issue temporary implementing rules no later than 180 days after the section's effective date. Sunsets these provisions when the Council issues permanent rules substantially similar to the act's provisions and notifies the Codifier of Statutes. 

    Section 2

    Enacts new GS 143-138.2 requiring the NC Cooperative Extension Service to establish a basic lumber grading training program for individuals and establish the general requirements for successful completion of the program, including requirements for initial certification and for recertification. Requires the training to be offered at least annually. Requires the Extension Forestry staff, in cooperation with the staff of the North Carolina Forest Service, to develop and establish the content of the training program, determine the certification requirements for instructors, and determine the criteria for determining successful completion of the training program. Requires instructors to be approved by the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. Allows the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service to allow one or more private lumber grading training programs, provided that the content of the private programs and certification requirements for instructors and criteria for successful completion of the training program are at least as stringent as the program offered by the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. Requires an individual holding an initial certification from the program established under this statute, from a private program, or from a state-approved lumber grading program in another state who mills lumber in the State to be recertified under the training program every five years. Requires certified individuals to register with the North Carolina Forest Service before selling lumber that has not been grade-stamped under the authority of a lumber grading bureau directly to the owner of a structure for use in construction of the structure.

    Requires the basic lumber grading training program to be established no later than 180 days after the section becomes law.

    Section 3

    Amends GS 160D-110 by setting out information that a building permit applicant for a structure constructed with lumber that has not been grade-stamped under the authority of a lumber grading bureau must include with the application. Effective on the date that the temporary rules required to be adopted by the Council become effective.