Bill Summaries: all (2023-2024 Session)

  • Summary date: Mar 9 2023 - View summary

    Amends GS 66-420 (definitions pertaining to regulation of sales and purchase of metals for pawnbrokers, metal shops, and scrap dealers) to add definition of catalytic converter (motor vehicle exhaust system parts that are used for controlling the exhaust emissions from motor vehicles and that contain a catalyst metal, including the materials inside a catalytic converter which contains precious metals).   

    Amends GS 66-421 to require secondary metals recyclers to also maintain electronic records of all transactions involving catalytic converters not attached to a vehicle purchased from manufacturing, industrial, government, or other commercial vendor that generates and sells such converter, including the receipt of each purchase, name and address of the seller, date, time, and place of transaction, and the number of used, detached catalytic converters or pounds of catalyst metal purchased.

    Amends GS 66-424 to make it unlawful for any person who is not a secondary metals recycler to purchase or solicit or advertise for sale or purchase a used catalytic converter not attached to a vehicle. (Currently, just unlawful to purchase a used catalytic converter not attached to a vehicle.) Removes language allowing sales of used and detached catalytic converter that has been tested, certified, and labeled, or otherwise approved for reuse, and being bought or sold for purposes of reuse, in accordance with the federal Clean Air Act and regulations thereunder. Amends GS 66-247 to exclude from Part 3, Regulation of Sales and Purchases of Metals, used and detached catalytic converters that have been tested, certified, and labeled, or otherwise approved for reuse, and being bought or sold for purposes of reuse, in accordance with the federal Clean Air Act and regulations thereunder. Amends GS 66-429 to make it a Class 1 misdemeanor a first offense, and a Class I felony for all subsequent offenses, to knowingly and willing sell detached catalytic converters as described above. Makes each sale its own offense. Imposes a fine of $1000 for each violation.  Makes conforming changes to GS 66-430 (pertaining to restitution).

    Enacts GS 66-432 (pertaining to forfeiture of illegally sold catalytic converters) to allow for seizure and forfeiture of illegally purchased/sold catalytic converters.

    Effective December 1, 2023.