Identical to H 263, filed 3/7/13.
Amends GS 105-129.87, which lists credits allowed to qualifying businesses, to add that a taxpayer that is a small business; meets the eligibility requirements in GS 105-129.83, excluding GS 105-129.83(a); and satisfies the threshold requirement for new job creation in GS 105-129.87(b) is allowed a credit for creating jobs. Clarifies that jobs located in an urban progress zone or agrarian growth zone, created by a taxpayer other than a small business, are allowed a credit increased by an additional $1,000 per job. Specifies that if the job is located in an urban progress zone or agrarian growth zone and filled by a resident of that zone or by a long-term unemployed worker or is created by a small business, then the credit is increased by an additional $2,000 per job. Amends GS 105-129.81 to define small business as a taxpayer that employs no more than 50 eligible employees during the taxable year and that is engaged in a business other than retail trade, as specified, or food services and drinking places, as specified. Effective for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2013.
Bill Summaries: all (2013-2014 Session)
Bill S 255 (2013-2014)Summary date: Mar 11 2013 - View summary