Bill Summaries: all (2015-2016 Session)

  • Summary date: Apr 27 2016 - View summary

    Subject to voter approval, enacts a constitutional amendment (amendment) to amend Article VI, Section 6, of the Constitution to allow every qualified voter in North Carolina who is 18 (was, 21) years of age to be eligible for election to office by the people, except as disqualified in the Constitution.  

    Requires the amendment to be submitted to qualified voters of the state at the statewide election held on November 8, 2016.  Provides that the election must be conducted under the laws governing elections in the state, and that ballots, voting systems, or both can be used in accordance with GS Chapter 163, concerning elections and election laws.  Specifies the question to be used in the voting systems or ballots.

    Directs the State Board of Elections (BOE) to certify the amendment to the Secretary of State (Secretary) if a majority of votes cast on the question are in favor of the amendment. Directs the Secretary to enroll the amendment among the permanent records of the Department of State after certification by the BOE.