Under current law, GS 95-25.14(a) includes an exemption to the state laws governing minimum wage, overtime, youth employment, and recordkeeping for a person employed in agriculture (as defined by federal law). Act amends the agricultural exemption to limit it to circumstances where the person is employed on a farm owned or operated by the person’s family or legal guardian or a person standing in loco parentis to the person. Also amends GS 95-25.5(c), which provides restrictions and conditions for employment of youth, to allow youth who are 14 or 15 years old to be employed in agriculture if certain conditions related to the youth’s working hours are satisfied. Applies to youths employed on or after the date when the Act becomes law.
Bill Summaries: all (2011-2012 Session)
Bill H 838 (2011-2012)Summary date: Apr 8 2011 - View summary