Bill Summaries: all (2015-2016 Session)

  • Summary date: Apr 29 2015 - View summary

    House amendment makes the following changes to the 2nd edition:

    Directs the State Board of Education to contract with a private, nonprofit corporation to administer the provisions of this act by October 1, 2015 (was, August 1, 2015).  

    Requires the nonprofit corporation contracting with the State Board of Education to, by November 1, 2015 (was, October 1, 2015), issue requests for proposals from local boards of education for local initiatives designed to develop advanced teaching role prototypes. Amends the specified criteria that are to be included in submitted letters of intent by the local board of education, including amending the language that provides that a classroom teacher is required to be rated as "highly effective" and how that rating is calculated. Also amends the provisions and standards by which teachers are rated in regards to teachers serving in advanced roles receiving an additional 3% salary. 

    Adds language providing that local school administrative units can also use grant funds to provide salary supplements or to implement other elements of their advanced teaching role plans. Amends other provisions concerning the use of funds, deleting language that provided that allocated funds cannot be used by local school administrative units to pay salary supplements. Adds a requirement that participating local school administrative units must commit to full implementation of the program in 35% of schools (was, 50%) in the unit by the 2018-19 school year. Also provides that they must submit a plan showing the schedule for full implementation in at least 55% of schools by the 2019-20 school year (was, 75% of schools). 

    Directs the nonprofit corporation to evaluate the program and include feedback from participating teachers and principals and other affected organizations as determined by the State Board of Education in its submitted recommendations to the General Assembly.

  • Summary date: Apr 27 2015 - View summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.

    Adds to the whereas clauses.

    Adds that the nonprofit corporation contracting with the State Board of Education is allowed to subcontract with other entities to provide technical assistance to local school administrative units.

    Amends the information that must be included in the letter of intent to the Request for Proposal to also require a description of how teachers will participate in the design of the advanced teaching role prototype.

    Amends the provisions governing the use of grants to provide that transition costs may include employing staff or contractors to assist with design and implementation of the staffing plan, removing the requirement that staff or contractors be approved by the nonprofit corporation. Amends the requirement for grant recipients to require a commitment to submitting a plan to the nonprofit corporation by June 1, 2016, showing the schedule for full implementation in at least 75% (was, 90%) of schools by the 2019-20 school year.

    Adds a new section to the bill amending GS 115C-105.25 to require the State Board of Education to allow local boards of education to transfer any available state funds into an allotment category to provide supplemental salaries and differential pay for school personnel.

    Makes conforming changes.

    Amends the act's long title.

  • Summary date: Apr 15 2015 - View summary

    Directs the State Board of Education to contract with a private, nonprofit corporation by August 1, 2015. The corporation will administer a program that will require local boards of education to submit proposals for local initiatives designed to develop advanced teaching role prototypes and reallocate funding to pay advanced role salary supplements.

    Requires the corporation to select the first cohort (up to 10 local school administrative units) by December 1, 2015. Outlines criteria the corporation should apply in the selection process. Specifies how funding may be used and accountability for the local units. 

    Requires the local units selected in the first cohort to submit financial sustainability plans no later than January 1, 2016, with a revision process to follow. Requires implementation to begin in the 2016-17 school year, with full implementation by the following year. Requires the local units to submit annual reports.

    Provides that the intent is to have a second cohort of up to 50 local units beginning in the 2017-18 school year if funds are available and for the corporation to provide support to other local units in the future.

    Requires the State Board of Education to increase flexibility for any local unit in the first or second cohort with respect to converting positions within a unit to dollar equivalents and exceeding class size maximums.

    Directs the nonprofit corporation to evaluate the program and submit recommendations to the General Assembly.

    Effective July 1, 2015.