Bill Summaries: all (2023-2024 Session)

  • Summary date: May 1 2023 - View summary

    Amends proposed GS 75-44 as follows. Removes the term establishment and adds the term restaurant, defined as a business primarily engaged in the preparation and sale of food and beverages for consumption on or off the premises. Replaces the term "establishment," or "eating establishment," with "restaurant" throughout the act.

  • Summary date: Apr 13 2023 - View summary

    Enacts GS 75-44 establishing the following as unfair and deceptive trade practices by food delivery platforms unless it obtains express written authorization from an establishment or the establishment’s agent: (1) advertising, directly or indirectly, any statement or image that implies an establishment has partnered with the food delivery platform; (2) using a likeness, trademark, or other intellectual property belonging to an establishment; or (3) arranging for the delivery of a food order from an establishment. Specifies that an establishment, or the establishment's agent, may revoke authorization by notifying the food delivery platform in writing. Allows for the establishment to bring a civil action for any violations under the State’s consumer protection law as well as to seek injunctive relief. Defines establishment and food delivery platform.  Effective October 1, 2023.