Bill Summaries: all (2013-2014 Session)

  • Summary date: Apr 17 2013 - View summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.

    Amends GS 20-118.1(b), providing that when weather or a related imminent threat is likely to cause serious damage or loss to livestock, poultry, or crops to be harvested, the Governor, upon request of the Commissioner of Agriculture, can temporarily suspend the provisions of GS 20-118.1(a) for vehicles hauling the specified agricultural products to processing facilities or points of further distribution. This does not permit any violation of the gross weight requirements as found in GS 136-72. The suspension will end when the Governor determines the threat has passed.

  • Summary date: Apr 4 2013 - View summary

    Amends GS 20-118.1 to allow the Governor, at the request of the Commissioner of Agriculture, to temporarily suspend the weight inspections when the weather is likely to cause serious losses or damages to crops ready to be harvested. Ends the suspension when the Governor determines that the threat of serious losses or damages has passed.