Bill Summaries: all (2023-2024 Session)

  • Summary date: Apr 19 2023 - View summary

    House amendment to the 2nd edition deletes Section 2 of the act, which authorized the Board of Education of Beaufort County Schools to use the Hillsdale College K-12 Curriculum in lieu of the requirements set forth in GS Chapter 115C (governing elementary and secondary education). Makes conforming changes to the act’s long title.

  • Summary date: Apr 18 2023 - View summary

    House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Amends Section 2 of SL 2022-34 to require members appointed to the Washington-Warren Airport Authority (Authority) to now file a copy of their oath of office with the clerk to the board of the Beaufort County Commissioners (BCC) and the clerk to the board of the Washington City Council (Council) (currently, just the Council).

    Amends the proposed changes to Section 2 of SL 2022-34 to change the manner in which appointments are made to the Authority as to the composition of its members and the experience requirements, as follows.  

    Deletes the provisions providing for the appointment of four members by the General Assembly, two upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and two upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House, both of whom are registered voters of the County of Beaufort with experience in aviation, drone, or business management but not registered voters of the City of Washington. Deletes provision providing for appointment of one member who is a registered voter of the County of Beaufort and not a registered voter of the City of Washington.

    Now provides for three members to be appointed by the BCC as follows: one member who is a registered voter in Beaufort County and in the City of Washington with business management and financial expertise and two members who are registered voters in Beaufort County but not the City of Washington with aviation or drone experience.  Expands the number of members the Authority can appoint to three and removes requirement that they must be selected from the businesses located at the Washington-Warren Airport. Now, these appointees only need to be registered voters of Beaufort County.

    Now directs that the terms of current members of the Authority will expire on October 1, 2023 (was, six months after the act became law). Deletes provisions setting forth staggering of terms, and now provides the following staggering scheme: the member appointed by the City of Washington will serve a two-year term; of the three members appointed by the BCC and the Authority, one member from each of these appointing authorities will serve a two-year term, another will serve a three-year term, and the third will serve a four-year term. Specifies that if an appointing authority fails to make the initial appointment by October 1, 2023, and there are not enough members for a quorum, then the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort County will fill that vacancy upon request of a member of the Authority.

    Authorizes the Board of Education of Beaufort County Schools to use the Hillsdale College K-12 Curriculum in lieu of the requirements set forth in GS Chapter 115C (governing elementary and secondary education). 

    Makes organizational and technical changes. Makes conforming changes to the act’s long and short titles.

  • Summary date: Mar 23 2023 - View summary

    Amends Section 2 of SL 2022-34 to change the manner in which appointments are made to the Washington-Warren Airport Authority (Authority) and the composition of its members, as follows. Removes the Washington City Council (Council) as the sole appointing authority and makes conforming changes to the filling of vacancies. For those members appointed based on experience, changes the requirement from aviation experience to experience with aviation, drone, or business management. Removes the two members whose only qualifications are that they be a registered voter of the City of Washington and a registered voter of the County of Beaufort who may also be a registered voter in the City of Washington, respectively.  The Authority will now be comprised of the following seven members:

    • One member appointed by the City of Washington who is a registered voter in the City of Washington, with experience in aviation, drone, or business management.
    • Two members appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, both of whom are registered voters of the County of Beaufort with experience in aviation, drone, or business management but not registered voters of the City of Washington.
    • Two members appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House, both of whom are registered voters of the County of Beaufort with experience in aviation, drone, or business management but not registered voters of the City of Washington.
    • One member is a registered voter of the County of Beaufort and not a registered voter of the City of Washington.
    • One member selected from the businesses located at the Washington-Warren Airport who is appointed by the members of the Authority at the first meeting of the Authority after their appointment.

    Repeals Section 16 of SL 2022-34 (establishing the initial and continuing appointment authority of the Council).

    Directs that the terms of current members of the Authority will expire six months after the date this act becomes law. Upon the expiration of those terms, directs that appointments will be made to the Authority as provided above, with three seats expiring in one year and two seats expiring in each of the next two years to stagger the terms. After establishing the staggered terms, all terms of office will be for three years as provided in Section 2 of SL 2022-34, as enacted by the act.