Repeals SL 2023-124, Section 27.7(d), which had repealed GS 120-133 (which made all drafting and information requests to legislative employees and documents prepared by NCGA employees for legislations on redistricting public record upon the act establishing the relevant district plan becoming law; also specified that present and former legislative employees may be required to disclose otherwise protected information concerning redistricting upon the act establishing the relevant district plan becoming law).
Now prevents, under GS 121-5, a custodian of an NCGA record from certifying to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (Department) that its records to have no further use or value for research or reference for and prevents the Department from making such a certification, for a period equal to the longer of (1) the time when such records, in fact, have no further use or value for official business or (2) 10 years (currently, the custodian of any General Assembly record determines, in the custodian's discretion, whether a record is a public record and whether to turn over to the Department, or retain, destroy, sell, loan, or otherwise dispose of, such records. When requested by the Legislative Services Officer, the Department is required to assist in the preparation of an inventory of the records to which the request applies.)
Applying to campaign contributions made or received after the act becomes law, repeals Section 5 of SL 2024-16 (removing the four conditions listed in GS 163-278.7A that were to be met before a federal political committee could make contributions to a North Carolina candidate or political committee registered with the State Board of Elections or a county board of elections and making other changes to GS 163-278.7A).
Bill Summaries: all (2025-2026 Session)
Bill H 322 (2025-2026)Summary date: Mar 6 2025 - View summary