Bill Summary for S 668 (2023-2024)
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Bill summary
Enacts new GS Chapter 18D, Gaming, providing as follows. Establishes the seven-member North Carolina State Gaming Commission (Commission) to regulate and oversee gaming in the State. Members are to be appointed by the Governor and subject to NCGA confirmation; sets out the process for appointing members. Sets terms of office at six years. Provides for the designation of a chairperson, filling of vacancies, amount of member salaries, and travel and subsistence expenses. Prohibits members of the Commission from engaging in any other employment, business, profession, or vocation while in office. Requires members to take an oath of office. Prohibits members from holding an elective office or being a candidate for an elective office. Sets out five actions under which the member vacates their membership. Sets out meeting requirements. Sets members compensation at $125,000 per year. Requires Commission records to be open and available to the public. Makes personnel records subject to Article 7 (Privacy of State Employee Personnel Records) of GS Chapter 126. Specifies which information about a lottery winner is public record.
Gives the Commission the following powers and duties: (1) to administer and enforce the provisions of this Chapter; (2) to adopt rules to implement this Chapter; (3) to conduct a background investigation, including a criminal history record check, of potential electronic sweepstakes operators and electronic sweepstakes vendors under Article 2 of this Chapter, which may include a search of the State and National Repositories of Criminal Histories based on the fingerprints of applicants; (4) to charge a fee, not to exceed the cost of the criminal record check, of the potential electronic sweepstakes operators and potential electronic sweepstakes vendors; and (5) any other powers necessary for the Commission to carry out its responsibilities under this Chapter.
Requires the Commission to make quarterly and annual reports on specified information, to the Governor, State Treasurer, and NCGA. Requires the State Auditor to conduct annual audits of the Commission's accounts and transactions.
Recodifies Part 2, Bingo and Raffles of Article 37 of GS Chapter 14 as Article 4 of GS Chapter 18D. Requires references in that Article to the Department of Public Safety to be replaced with the Commission.
Repeals GS 143-652.2 (establishing the North Carolina Boxing and Combat Sports Commission) and recodifies the remainder of Article 68, Regulation of Boxing, of GS Chapter 143 as Article 5 (appears to intend Article 3) of GS Chapter 18D. Requires references in that Article to the Alcohol Law Enforcement Branch of the Department of Public Safety, Branch, and Secretary of Public Safety to be replaced with the Commission.
Enacts new GS 143B-975 allowing the Department of Public Safety to provide the Commission and its Director with criminal histories of prospective employees or potential licensees. Sets out provisions related to conducting a background check.
Provides that if H 347, Sports Wagering, becomes law, then Article 9 of GS Chapter 18C in that act is recodified as Article 4 of GS Chapter 18D.
Provides that if H 512, Forgivable Loans/HBCU Supplemental Funding, then Article 9, Video Gaming Terminals of GS Chapter 18C in that bill, is recodified as Article 5 of GS Chapter 18D.
Effective October 1, 2023.