House committee substitute to the 2nd edition makes the following changes. Deletes proposed new GS 7B-1902.5, pertaining to alternatives to juvenile detention. Deletes proposed changes to GS 7B-1907, allowing for telephonic communication as required under new GS 7B-1902.5 when other means of communication are impractical. Amends the first required finding of new GS 7B-3103 (authorizing courts to order the Division or any law enforcement agency to release to the public specified information about a juvenile upon making three written findings in the order) to now specify that a court must find that a petition has been filed alleging that the juvenile has committed at least one offense that would subject the juvenile to superior court pursuant to GS 7B-2200 or GS 7B-2200.5 (the finding requirement used to be that a petition has been filed alleging the juvenile has committed an offense that would be a Class A, B1, B2, or C felony if committed by an adult). Makes organizational changes. Makes conforming changes to the act’s long title. Changes the effective date to specify that the act applies to offenses committed on or after December 1, 2023.