Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Amends GS 47-17.1, removing allowance for verbal representation of the individual presenting the deed. Adds new section GS 75-43 governing solicitation of a fee for copy of recorded documents. Requires any entity charging a fee for copies of a document available at the register of deeds to print a disclaimer at the top of the solicitation detailing that it is not from a government agency, that no action is legally required, and other pertinent information. Forbids putting such a document in a format that makes it appear to be issued by a government or have a deadline or appear to impose a legal duty. Sets a violation of this section as an unfair trade practice under GS 75-1.1. Sections 1.2 (amending GS 161-10) and 1.3 (amending GS 161-14.1) are effective October 1, 2018, and apply to instruments after this date. Section 3.1 (enacting new GS 75-43) is effective October 1, 2018. Conforms title to amendments.