Bill Summary for H 1042 (2017-2018)
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Bill summary
Identical to S 759, filed 5/29/18.
Directs the Department of Administration (Department) to do the following: (1) report to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on General Government (Committee) on the status of the Department's procurement of a contract management system for State agency-administered contracted services by December 1, 2018; (2) implement a new requirement for State agencies to obtain a 10% reduction from the annual value of each contract as a condition of awarding an amendment that extends the length of the contract by December 1, 2018; (3) reduce by 5% the June 30, 2018, inventory of State-owned passenger motor vehicles that are under the management of the Department by June 30, 2019; (4) report to the Committee and the Fiscal Research Division on prior fiscal year results for each identified performance measure set out in Program Evaluation Division Report No. 2018-04 (Report), and on the performance targets for the upcoming fiscal year, by December 1, 2018, and each December 1 thereafter.
Directs the Legislative Services Office to assign an appropriate division of the General Assembly or contract with a vendor to do the following: (1) in consultation with the Department, propose guidelines for determining employee office space usage requirements for each State-owned and leased office facility and make recommendations to ensure that the Department has reliable information to enforce the space usage requirements. In making these recommendations, the assigned division or contracted vendor is required to consider the feasibility of requiring each State agency to enter the office space requirements and facility location of each of its employees into the Integrated HR/Payroll System, or the State's payroll system that supersedes the current system. (2) Conduct a business case analysis to evaluate alternatives to reduce facility management costs and generate additional revenue through the sale or lease of the Old Revenue Building located in Raleigh. (3) Conduct a business case analysis of facility management services performed by the Department, including consideration of expanded use of contracted facility management services. (4) Conduct a business case analysis that uses the results from the document scanning pilot study performed by the Department of Revenue to explore potential savings through increased utilization of e-mail scanning for incoming mail to State agencies. (5) Conduct a business case analysis on opportunities to increase revenue receipts from State-owned parking facilities, including consideration of increasing utilization of unreserved employee spaces and leasing underutilized employee spaces and visitor spaces to public and private entities. (6) Ensure that each of the above business case analyses includes each of the factors identified in the report, and that the assigned division or contracted vendor reports on any recommendations for proposed legislation to the Committee by December 1, 2019.
Directs the Office of the State Auditor to conduct a performance audit to identify alternatives to reduce outgoing mail service costs and report its findings to the Committee by June 30, 2019.
Amends GS 143-55 (requisitioning by agencies) to require that all departments, institutions, and agencies make requisitions only through NC E-Procurement for required purchases through sources certified by the Secretary of Administration (Secretary). Purchases using other methods such as purchase cards or purchase orders are not allowed unless specifically authorized by the Secretary. Previously the law required that requisition orders be made on forms provided by the Secretary, with a copy of the form provided to the Secretary.