Bill Summary for H 934 (2017-2018)
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Bill summary
Section 1
Amends GS 115C-5 to add a new subdivision (11) defining “public school unit” to include local school administrative units, charter schools, regional schools, and schools operated by specified state agencies.
Section 2
Adds new GS 115C-105.75 creating the North Carolina Center for Safer Schools (The Center). The Center will (1) serve as a resource for public schools by conducting research, sponsoring workshops, and providing information; (2) provide training for public school personnel; (3) disseminate information to public schools on effective school safety initiatives; (4) collect and analyze North Carolina school safety data; (5) encourage development of partnerships between public and private sectors to promote school safety; (6) provide technical assistance to North Carolina public schools in development of school safety initiatives; (7) develop model policies for threat assessment teams for public schools, including procedures for the assessment of and intervention with students whose behavior poses a threat to school safety. The Center must work with the Task Force for Safer Schools, local law enforcement agencies, and other government agencies.
Section 3
Adds new GS 115C-105.76 directing the creation of threat assessment teams by the local board of education and governing body of each public school unit. The threat assessment teams are responsible for assessment of and intervention with students whose behavior may pose a threat to school safety consistent with the model policies created by the Center. These policies must include procedures for referral to health care providers for evaluation and treatment, where appropriate.
Each superintendent must establish threat assessment teams to serve one or more schools, which will include persons with expertise in counseling, instruction, school administration, and law enforcement. The threat assessment teams must provide guidance for students and staff regarding the recognition of threatening behavior, identify members of the school community to whom threatening behavior should be reported, and implement policies adopted by the board of education and local school administrative units.
If a threat assessment team makes a preliminary determination that a student poses a threat of violence, the team must immediately report to the superintendent or principal, who must immediately notify the student’s legal guardian.
If there is a preliminary determination that the student poses a threat of violence, the threat assessment team may obtain criminal and health history records of the student.
Section 4
Amends GS 115C-47 to add new subsection (64), requiring the creation of peer-to-peer student counseling programs. Local boards of education must require the creation of peer-to-peer student mentoring, counseling, and support programs established at all schools with grades six or higher. Such programs are encouraged to be created for other grades as well.
Adds new subsection (c) to GS 115C-316.1, adding a duty for school counselors to coordinate and provide training for students in the peer-to-peer mentoring, counseling, and support programs that address areas such as mental health and wellness.
Section 5
Appropriates $1 million to the Department of Public Instruction for one-time grants to local school administrative units for training and materials for peer-to-peer mentoring, counseling, and support programs in schools serving students in grades six and higher. The State Board of Education must award grants of these monies to local school administrative units in the amount of $5,000 per school for training and materials for evidence-based peer-to-peer student mentoring, counseling, and support programs as identified by the Center for Safer Schools. The State Board of Education must award grants to applicants in the order in which they are received. An initial grant may not exceed $20,000 per local school administrative unit. If funds remain after the initial grants have been awarded, the Board may award a second round of grants using the same criteria. Applications for grants from local school administrative units in Tier 1 counties must be given priority in awarding initial grants.
Section 6
Section 5 is effective July 1 2018. All other sections are effective when act becomes law, and applies beginning with the 2018-19 school year.