Prohibits the Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission) from proposing or adopting any rules in response to the rule making petitions granted by the Commission at its February 16, 2017, meeting pertaining to (1) the classification of coastal fishing waters as special secondary nursery areas, (2) the criteria for the opening of shrimping season, or (3) shrimp trawling gear types or usage. Directs that the Commission can propose or adopt rules in response to those petitions granted by the Commission when the collaborative shrimp gear study has been completed and the stakeholder group conducting the study has reported its findings and recommendations to the Commission. Provides that collaborative shrimp gear study refers to the stakeholder group convened under the Commission's February 2015 amendment to the State's Shrimp Fishery Management Plan for the purpose of studying shrimp trawl gear in partnership with the Division of marine Fisheries and North Carolina Sea Grant.