House committee substitute makes the following changes to 2nd edition. Completely rewrites bill, with new title: DIRECTING THE LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION TO STUDY FERRY TOLLS AND JUVENILE JUSTICE REFORMS. Directs Legislative Research Commission to study the economic impact of ferry tolls on business, travel, and tourism in coastal areas and specifies factors to be considered in the study. Also directs the Commission to study the state’s juvenile justice system and identify reforms that may reduce long-term recidivism and specifies that study must (1) determine reforms needed to implement SB 434, Edition 3, raising the age for juvenile jurisdiction for misdemeanors; (2) evidence-based models for reducing recidivism; (3) how to reserve secure facilities for the most troubled youth; (4) best practices for community-based programs; and (5) how to prepare local prisons for implementation of regulations related to the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, P.L. 108-79. Requires Commission to report findings and recommendations to the 2013 General Assembly upon its convening.