Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Deletes waste kitchen grease operation as a defined term from GS 106-168.1. Rewrites GS 106-168.2 to forbid a person from engaging in rendering operations or acting as a collector of waste kitchen grease unless licensed to do so (previously, also prohibited storing or processing waste kitchen grease at any waste kitchen grease operation). Makes conforming changes. Rewrites GS 106-168.9 to clarify that any person holding a rendering license or acting as a collector, as defined, may haul and transport raw material or waste kitchen grease, except as prohibited by law. Rewrites proposed GS 106-168.14A(e) to also make it a violation to place a label on a waste kitchen grease container owned by another person in order to assert ownership over the container. Deletes proposed GS 106-168.14A(f) which exempted certain collectors from the application fee requirement. Amends proposed GS 106-168.14B to clarify that a container in which waste kitchen grease is deposited that bears a name is presumed to be owned by the named person. Rewrites proposed GS 14-79.2 to provide criminal penalties for the unlawful taking of waste kitchen grease. Provides that the severity (either a Class 1 misdemeanor or a Class H felony) of such penalties is determined by the value of the waste kitchen grease container and waste kitchen grease contained therein. Makes clarifying changes to the effective date of the act, and makes conforming changes to the title. Makes other technical changes.