Amends GS 136-17.2A, clarifying that funds expended for Intrastate System projects and state and federal aid funds expended under the Transportation Improvement Program, other than funds listed in new GS 136-17.2A(a1), will be distributed as specified. Enacts new subsection (a1) to list the funds previously included in subsection (a), and to add Surface Transportation Program/Direct Attributable federal funds to the funds exempted from the distribution requirement. Deletes provisions in GS 136-17.2A(b), which directed the Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) to calculate fund distribution based on specified calculations until 90% of the mileage of the Intrastate System projects is completed. Makes a conforming change and directs the Secretary to make calculations under current GS 136-17.2A(c). Effective July 1, 2011.