Bill Summary for S 839 (2011-2012)

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Summary date: 

May 21 2012

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View NCGA Bill Details2011-2012 Session
Senate Bill 839 (Public) Filed Monday, May 21, 2012
Intro. by Hartsell.

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Bill summary

Identical to H 1014, filed 5/21/12.

Directives. Directs all state agencies and institutions to update vehicle registration records for all state-owned vehicles with the Department of Transportation, Division of Motor Vehicles, by October 1, 2012, and sets out required procedures, including the duty to establish a standard naming convention for the agency's name on forms. Transfers to the Department of Administration (DOA) all passenger vehicles owned by state agencies and identified in the specified Program Evaluation Division report and directs DOA to report to the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations by November 15, 2012. Directs the Division of Motor Fleet Management (Division) in the DOA to monitor the rate structure that became effective January 1, 2012, and to report on the structure's effects on assigned vehicle utilization and replacement by February 15, 2013. Directs the Division to improve its management practices, as indicated, and to report on improvements by February 15, 2013. Requires the State Controller, by October 1, 2012, to present to the Joint Legislative Program Evaluation Oversight Committee a plan to create and operate a statewide fleet management system that would require all state agencies and institutions to report identification, utilization, and cost data, as detailed. Transfers $10,000 from the internal service fund for Motor Fleet Management to the Office of State Controller to fund the plan. Directs the Division, in 2012-13, to test telematics services by installing the packages in a sample of vehicles and to report on the testing by September 15, 2013. Creates five receipt-supported positions in the Division, effective October 1, 2012.
Statutory Changes. Renames the "Division of Motor Fleet Management" the "Division of State Fleet Management" (State Fleet Management), and makes a conforming change to add subdivision (12) to GS 143-341, placing State Fleet Management under the purview of the DOA. Adds new Article 18, State-Owned Motor Vehicles, to GS Chapter 20 to require all state agencies and institutions to comply with the enumerated state vehicle policies. Recodifies several listed provisions currently under GS 143-341(8)i. as provisions under newly created GS 143-341(12) or new Article 18 in GS Chapter 20. Makes conforming and clarifying changes to the recodified provisions. Directs State Fleet Management to file an annual report with the General Assembly on state entities' failures to comply with the requirements and makes a violation a Class 1 misdemeanor. Provides that state-owned vehicles must be marked to indicate the agency or institution that owns or operates the vehicle and as otherwise required by GS 20-39.1. Prohibits the following entities from transferring passenger vehicles to the DOA: (1) Highway Patrol, (2) State Bureau of Investigation, (3) vehicles of constituent institutions of UNC that are used primarily for law-enforcement purposes, and (4) Department Public Safety vehicles used for Butner Public Safety. Sets the minimum rates for state agency vehicles. Directs DOA to adopt rules to permanently assign state-owned vehicles based on miles traveled, frequency of use, and purpose. Further amends new GS 143-341(12) to list the powers and duties of the State Fleet Management. Makes the provisions concerning expansion to State Fleet Management effective January 1, 2013. Permits the DOA to use funds from the Motor Fleet Management internal service fund to expand to the State Fleet Management.