House committee substitute makes the following changes to 2nd edition.
Amends GS 20-4.01 to add definitions for dedicated natural gas vehicle and fuel cell electric vehicle. Deletes definition for plug-in electric vehicle. Defines dedicated natural gas vehicle as a four-wheeled vehicle that meets the following requirements: (1) is made by a manufacturer primarily for use on public streets, roads, and highways and meets specified federal standards; (2) has not been modified from original manufacturer specifications with regard to power train or any other manner of power; (3) is powered solely by natural gas; (4) is rated not more than 8,500 pounds unloaded gross vehicle weight; and (5) has a maximum speed capability of at least 65 miles per hour. Defines fuel cell electric vehicle with the same terms as plug-in electric vehicle in the previous edition except the vehicle must use hydrogen and a fuel cell to produce electricity on board to power the electric motor (was, must draw electricity from a battery). Makes conforming changes to GS 20-146.2(a). Amends GS 20-183.2(b) to exempt fuel cell electric vehicles (was, plug-in electric vehicles) from the emissions inspection requirement. Makes conforming changes to the bill title.