Enacts new GS 62-273.1 as the title indicates. Provides definitions for the following terms as used in the proposed statute: (1) applicant, (2) certificate, (3) criminal history, and (4) current holder.
Provides that the Department of Justice may provide the criminal history of any applicant for or current holder of a certificate to transport household goods to the Utilities Commission (Commission). Directs the Commission to include with its request for a criminal history check the fingerprints and a form signed by the applicant or current holder consenting to the use of fingerprints and other identifying information required by the Department of Justice. Provides additional guidelines regarding the receipt and processing of the required information and confidentiality requirements. Provides that revelation of one or more convictions is not automatic grounds for denying or revoking a certificate and indicates factors to be considered by the Commission in deciding whether to deny or revoke a certificate. Authorizes the Commission to deny an application or revoke a certificate if the applicant or current holder refuses to consent to a criminal history record check or the use of fingerprints or other identifying information required by the State or National Repositories of Criminal Histories.
Effective when the act becomes law and applies to all current holders and applicants for a certificate to transport household goods on or after that date.