AN ACT TO AMEND THE LAWS RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF ENGINEERING AND LAND SURVEYING. Summarized in Daily Bulletin 4/5/11 and 6/15/11. Enacted June 26, 2011. Effective June 26, 2011.
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Summary date: Jun 30 2011 - View Summary
Bill H 616 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 15 2011 - View Summary
Senate committee amendment, reported in on 6/14/11, makes the following changes to 1st edition. Amends GS 89C-13(a) to add two additional qualifications to the list of items that serve as sufficient minimum evidence that an applicant is qualified for licensure: (1) full-time faculty in approved four-year Board-approved degree programs may be granted waiver from the fundamentals of engineering examination; (2) a person with an earned doctorate in engineering from a properly accredited program may be granted the same waiver.
Bill H 616 (2011-2012)Summary date: Apr 5 2011 - View Summary
Makes numerous changes to GS Chapter 89C. Changes the definitions of “Professional engineer, retired” and “Professional land surveyor, retired” to require review by the State Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors (Board) of an applicant’s record, including disciplinary actions. Allows for the delegation to the executive director certain routine duties which has the majority (was, unanimous) approval of the Board. Deletes requirement to print and distribute an annual roster of all licensed engineers and surveyors. Revises the requirements for licensure by comity to allow credentials from any foreign country (was, Canada only) or from other states and the District of Columbia based on verifiable evidence of standards that the Board deems not lower than NC standards. Permits graduates of four-year engineering or related science programs to stand for the “fundamentals of engineering exam” prior to the four- or eight-year experience requirements, which remain as prerequisites to the “principles and practice of engineering” exam. Allows certification as an engineering or surveying intern for students that are graduating within two semesters of the semester in which the fundamentals exam is administered (was, seniors only). Expands the Board’s sanctions for misconduct to include refusal of reinstatement and required additional education. Expands and clarifies the grounds for sanction. Removes the limitations in GS 89C-25 on Board jurisdiction over those who practice engineering or surveying for less than ninety days.