AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES TO ISSUE VARIOUS SPECIAL REGISTRATION PLATES. Summarized in Daily Bulletin 3/9/11, 5/18/11, 6/7/11, 6/15/11, 6/16/11, and 6/18/11. Enacted June 30, 2011. Section 1.1 is effective July 1, 2016. Section 5.1 is effective July 1, 2015. Section 8 is effective July 1, 2011. The remainder is effective June 30, 2011.
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Summary date: Jul 1 2011 - View Summary
Bill H 289 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 18 2011 - View Summary
Conference report recommends the following changes to 4th edition to reconcile matters in controversy. Amends GS 20-63 by making an organizational change, enacting GS 20-63(b1) to restore special registration plates deleted by previous edition, and creates new special registration plates under the new subsection. Provides that when the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) registers a vehicle or renews the registration of a vehicle on or after July 1, 2015, the DMV must send the owner a replacement special license plate in a standardized format in accordance with current law. Repeals GS 20-63(b1), as enacted by the act, effective July 1, 2016.
Enacts new subdivision to GS 20-79.7(c) to direct the DMV to deduct the cost of issuing replacement full-color special license plates from the Special Registration Plate Account. This new subdivision is effective July 1, 2015, and expires July 1, 2016.
Amends GS 20-79.7(b) to reduce the amount put toward the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account out of the fee imposed for the NC Victim Assistance special plate from $20 to $10.
Directs the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety and the Department of Transportation to study whether full-color special license plates should be phased out or continued to be authorized. Provides reporting requirements. Effective when the act becomes law.
Bill H 289 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 16 2011 - View Summary
Senate amendments make the following changes to 4th edition. Amendment #1 clarifies the name of the special license plate for the North Carolina Green Industry Council. Makes conforming changes.
Amendment #2 removes the requirement that the Division receive 300 or more applications for a “Retired Legislator” plate before such plate is produced.
Bill H 289 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 15 2011 - View Summary
Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 3rd edition.
Amends GS 20-63(b) deleting language that identifies specified special registration plates as not having to be First in Flight plates. Additionally, deletes the first 25 listed plates (GS 20-63(b)(1) thorough (b)(25)) from the list of plates that are not First in Flight plates under current law. Provides that this amendment to GS 20-63(b) is not to be construed as requiring the recall of an existing full-color special license plate issued to a registered owner of a motor vehicle, but does prohibit issuing any additional or replacement full-color special license plates on or after the effective date of this act.
Provides for the following additional special registration plates to be issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles: (1) Kappa Alpha Order, (2) Sustainable Fisheries Plate, (3) NC Morgan Horse Club, (4) USO of North Carolina, (5) Greensboro Symphony, (6) Green Industry Council, (7) Retired Legislators, (8) Don’t Tread on Me, (9) USA Triathlon, and (10) NC Horse Council. Requires that the additional special registration plates meet the standard requirement of at least 300 applications. Authorizes motorcycle plates for Civic Clubs. Provides for fees for the additional special registration plates and the distribution of those fees. Provides that the special registration plate for county commissioner may be authorized upon receipt of at least 100 applications (was, 300).
Bill H 289 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 7 2011 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to 2nd edition.
Amends GS 20-79.4(b) to direct the Division of Motor Vehicles (Division) to also issue a special registration plate for NC Youth Soccer Association. Provides for the issuance of the Native American special plate to the registered owner of a motor vehicle in accordance with GS 20-81.12 (was, to the registered owner of a motor vehicle). Amends GS 20-79.7(a) to add the special plates for NC Youth Soccer Association and Native American to those plates subject to an additional fee in the amount of $20. Amends GS 20-79.7(b) to provide for the distribution of the additional fees charged on each of these special plates. Makes the development of each plate contingent on the Division receiving 300 applications for each of the plates. Provides that the Division is to transfer the money in the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account (CCAPA) derived from the sale of Native American plates to the Native American College Fund for scholarships, and the money in the CCAPA derived from the sale of the NC Youth Soccer Association plates to the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association.
Makes the development of the proposed Concerned Bikers Association plate contingent on the Division receiving 300 applications. Clarifies that the registration fees and the restrictions on the issuance of a specialized registration plate for a motorcycle are the same as for any motor vehicle. Permits obtaining a special registration plate for a Purple Heart Recipient for the registered owner of a motor vehicle or a motorcycle.
Bill H 289 (2011-2012)Summary date: May 18 2011 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition.
Amends GS 20-79.4(b) to direct the Division of Motor Vehicles to also issue these special registration plates: Arthritis Foundation, ARTS NC, City/County Clerk, Concerned Bikers Association/ABATE of North Carolina, National Defense Service Medal, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Topsail Island Shoreline Protection, and Vietnam Veterans of America. Makes the development of each of the proposed plates contingent on the Division receiving 300 applications. Makes clarifying changes to the directives to issue these following plates: Autism Society of North Carolina, North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation, and United States Service Academy. Makes conforming changes to GS 20-79.7(a) and 20-79.7(b) to provide for fees and distribution of fees for the additional plates. Amends GS 20-81.12(b2), adding that revenue derived from the Aurora Fossil Museum special plate must be transferred quarterly to the Aurora Fossil Museum Foundation, Inc. for educational programs, enhancing collections, and operating expenses. Amends GS 20-81.12 to provide for the use of funds derived from the sale of the proposed new special plates.
Adds two special registration license plates to the list of those identified in GS 20-63(b) that do not have to bear the phrase First in Flight: (1) ARTS NC and (2) Choose Life.
Enacts new subsection (a3) to GS 20-79.4, directing the Division of Motor Vehicles to develop, in consultation with the State Highway Patrol, a standardized format for special license plates, as specified.
Makes other clarifying changes.
Bill H 289 (2011-2012)Summary date: Mar 9 2011 - View Summary
Amends GS 20-79.4(b) to direct the Division of Motor Vehicles to issue various special registration license plates categorized as follows: American Red Cross, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal Recipient, Battle of Kings Mountain, Blue Knights, Boy Scouts of America, Brenner Children’s Hospital, Carolina Raptor Center, Carolina Regional Volleyball Association, Carolinas Credit Union Foundation, Carolinas Golf Association, Childhood Cancer Awareness, Choose Life, Coastal Land Trust, Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden, Donate Life, First in Turf, Farmland Preservation, Girl Scouts, High Point Furniture Market 100th Anniversary, Hollerin’, Home of American Golf, Jaycees, Legion of Merit, Lifetime Sportsman, Mayor, Mountains-to-Sea Trail, Municipal Council, NC Beekeepers, NC Civil War, NC Fisheries Association, NC Horse Council, NC Mining, NC Wildlife Federation, NC Veterinary Medical Association, NC Victim Assistance Network, North Carolina Emergency Management Association, North Carolina Master Gardener, North Carolina State Flag, Outer Banks Preservation Association, P.E.O. Sisterhood, Pamlico-Tar River Foundation, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Piedmont Airlines, Relay for Life, Ronald McDonald House, School Board, Silver Star Recipient/ Disabled Veteran, S.T.A.R., Support NC Education, Support Soccer, Toastmasters Club, Town of Oak Island, Travel and Tourism, United States Service Academy, and Victory Junction Gang Camp. Provides that the development of each of the special registration plates is contingent on receiving at least 300 plate applications. Provides that the development of the plate Battleship North Carolina is contingent on receiving at least 300 applications. Changes the name of the US Navy Specialty plate to the US Navy Submarine Veteran plate.
Provides for additional registration fees ranging from $15 to $30 for special registration plates. Amends GS 20-79.7(b) to provide for the distribution of fees collected for the new special registration plates to the Special Registration Plate Account and the Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Plate Account (CCAPA).
Amends GS 20-79.7(a) to delete the Olympic Games special registration plate.
Adds 12 special registration license plates to the list of those identified in GS 20-63(b) that do not have to bear the phrase First in Flight: (1) Battle of Kings Mountain, (2) Carolina Raptor Center, (3) Carolinas Credit Union Foundation, (4) Coastal Land Trust, (5) Donate Life, (6) Farmland Preservation, (7) NC Civil War, (8) NC Mining, (9) North Carolina State Flag, (10) North Carolina Zoological Society, (11) Travel and Tourism, and (12) United States Service Academy.
Amends GS 20-81.12(b2) to provide that the transfer from the CCAPA of money from the sale of the special attraction plate Old Baldy is to be transferred quarterly to the Old Baldy Foundation Inc. and the revenue from the sale of the special plate U.S.S. North Carolina Battleship Commission is to be transferred quarterly to the U.S.S. North Carolina Battleship Commission to be used for educational and preservation programs and operating expenses. Further amends GS 20-81.12 to provide for the use of funds derived from the sale of the proposed new plates.
Effective July 1, 2011, enacts new GS 20-79.8 providing for the expiration of a special registration plates authorized under GS 20-79.4 on July 1 of the second calendar year in which the plate was authorized if the required number of applications for the special plate has not been received by the DMV. Provides that the DMV will not accept applications for or advertise any special registration plate that has expired. Requires the DMV to provide written notification to the Revisor of Statutes no later than July 15 of each year identifying which special registration authorizations have expired as a matter of law under these provisions. Directs the DMV to publish a copy of the written notification on its website or that of the Department of Transportation. Requires the Revisor of Statutes to verify that the authorization for each special plate registration has expired upon receiving notice of the expiration from the DMV. Provides additional responsibilities of the Revisor of Statutes in amending the necessary statutes.
Despite the above provisions, provides that a special plate authorization under GS 20-79.7 prior to July 1, 2011, expires as a matter of law on July 1, 2013, if the required number of applications has not been received. Also requires written notice to the Revisor of Statutes under this section and places accountability for verifying that each special plate has expired and making the necessary statutory amendments on the Revisor of Statutes upon receipt of notice from the DMV. Authorizes the Revisor of Statutes to alphabetize, number, and renumber the special registration plates listed in GS 20-79.4 to ensure that all the special registration plates are listed in alphabetical order and numbered accordingly.