Amends GS 163-82.14 (list maintenance of voter registration rolls) as follows. Changes the requirement that the State Board of Elections (Board) implement a program that makes a diligent effort not less than twice per year to remove ineligible voters and to update addresses and other necessary date to voter rolls to a requirement that the Board and county boards of elections have this occur weekly, as follows. Requires the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to provide the Executive Director of the Board (ED) the names of deceased persons who were residents of the State so that the ED may distribute this list to the county boards of election. Requires the county boards to remove those persons weekly. Requires county boards of elections to remove a person identified as deceased by their near relative or estate representative within one week of receipt of signed statement (currently, no deadline to do so). Requires the ED to compile, at minimum of once per week, a list of individuals against whom a final judgment of conviction of a felony within the State has been entered as well as those conviction of federal felonies and to report to each county board of elections the names of those individuals from that county appearing on this list each week. (Currently, the Board must report State felony convictions on the 15th of each month and federal felonies upon receipt of notice by a US Attorney). Makes technical changes. Requires county board of elections, at minimum of once per week, to remove from its voter registration records the names of individuals who give confirmation of change of address for voting purposes (currently, county boards of election just needs to have a systematic program, with no time requirements). Requires that following each congressional election, the county board of elections must send to each registered voter who has not voted or confirmed the voter's address by another means a confirmation mailing. (Currently, county board of elections must send confirmation mailing to every registrant after every congressional election if it has not confirmed the address by another means). Makes conforming, technical and organizational changes.
Effective October 1, 2023.
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Bill H 728 (2023-2024)Summary date: Apr 19 2023 - View Summary