Requires the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child Development and Early Education (Division), to collaborate with the Child Care Commission to implement revisions to rules to provide additional options for meeting the requirements for licensure for the following matters: (1) site level administrator's licensure and credentials (allowing certain credentialed administrators for Pre-K sites that have been established for four or more years); (2) lead teachers in NC Pre-K classrooms (allowing either of the following two additional options: (i) an individual with an AAS degree in early childhood education and five years of child care experience teaching young children so long as the person is working towards a birth through kindergarten license or (ii) individual with an AAS degree and five years of child care experience teaching young children); (3) rated license/education for administrators (allowing for certain credentials and experience at the seven point level); and (4) rated license/education for lead teachers (requiring all lead teachers to have a NC Early Childhood Credential (NCECC) and to provide further options based on education and experience at the five point, six point, and seven point levels).
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Bill S 742 (2023-2024)Summary date: Apr 10 2023 - View Summary