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  • Summary date: Jul 3 2023 - View Summary

    AN ACT TO MODIFY LAWS RELATING TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING, AS RECOMMENDED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA HUMAN TRAFFICKING COMMISSION, AND TO MODIFY LAWS RELATING TO RIOTING. SL 2023-71. Enacted June 30, 3023. Effective June 30, 2023, except Section 1 is effective August 1, 2023, and Sections 3 and 4 are effective December 1, 2023.

  • Summary date: Jun 20 2023 - View Summary

    House committee substitute to the 2nd edition makes the following changes.

    Make a clarifying change to GS 15B-11(b).

    Amends GS 14-288.2, as amended by Section 1 of SL 2023-6, as follows. Amends the Class A1 misdemeanor to now include when a person willfully incites another to engage in a riot and that inciting results in a riot or is directly and imminently likely to produce a riot (was, willfully incites or urges another to engage in a riot, so that as a result of such inciting or urging a riot occurs or a clear and present danger of a riot is created).  Amends the Class E felony for willfully inciting another to engage in a riot and the inciting is a contributing cause of a riot where property damage exceeds $2,5000 or there is serious bodily injury, by removing willfully urging another to engage in such a riot. Amends the Class D felony so that it now applies to a person who willfully incites another to engage in a riot, and that inciting is a contributing cause of a riot in which there is a death (was, willfully incites or urges another to engage in a riot and that inciting or urging causes a death). Applies to offenses committed on or after December 1, 2023. 

    Makes conforming changes to the act's titles.

  • Summary date: Apr 18 2023 - View Summary

    Senate committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Deletes provisions of proposed amendments to GS 50D-1 defining a permanent domestic violence protective order so that the act only applies to victims of human trafficking offenses. Makes conforming changes to GS 50D-2, -3, and -5 to account for deletion of permanent domestic violence protective order.  Deletes proposed changes to GS 50D-6,-7,-9, and -10 in their entirety.


  • Summary date: Apr 6 2023 - View Summary

    Makes changes to GS Chapter 50D to create a permanent domestic violence prevention order that prohibits any contact by a person guilty of a human trafficking or sex offense with the victim of that offense if the two have a personal relationship under GS 50B-1(b). Makes permanent civil no-contact orders also applicable to victims of a human trafficking offense. Amends the definitions in GS 50D-1 to provide relevant definitions for human trafficking offense and update definitions to reflect human trafficking offenses as a basis for orders under the chapter. Makes changes to the text of GS 50D-2, -3, -5, -6, -7, -9, and -10, to make those statutes applicable to permanent domestic violence protective orders along with the existing permanent civil no-contact orders, and to add references to human trafficking offenses where appropriate. The changes to GS Chapter 50D are effective and applicable to actions filed on or after August 1, 2023.

    Amends GS 15B-11(b) to update the section regarding denial or reduction of awards from the crime victims’ compensation fund to exclude victims who were coerced into participating in misdemeanors or misconduct if they are victims as defined under GS 14-43.10(a) of human trafficking, involuntary servitude, or sexual servitude.

    Amends GS 14-43.11(a), regarding the offense of human trafficking, to include a person who knowingly patronizes or solicits another person with the intent that the other person be held in involuntary servitude or sexual servitude. Makes a similar amendment to GS 14-43.13(a), adding patronizes or solicits to the list of behaviors representing the offense of sexual servitude. These changes to GS Chapter 14 are effective and applicable to offenses committed on or after December 1, 2023.