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  • Summary date: Mar 30 2023 - View Summary

    Includes whereas clauses. Specifies that the act is to be cited as the "Fight Exploitation Funding Act (FEFA)."

    Enacts new Article 2E, Adult Live Entertainment Fee, in Subchapter I of GS Chapter 105. Sets outs NCGA findings. Imposes a fee on adult live entertainment businesses (business) that have an alcohol permit in an amount equal to $5 for each entry of a customer admitted to the business. Specifies that the business is not required to impose the fee on the customer. Sets out daily record keeping requirements. Requires that the fee proceeds be remitted to the State Treasury to be deposited into the NC Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Grant Fund (Fund) established in this act.

    Enacts new GS 7A-354.1 establishing the Fund to be administered by the Administrative Office of the Court's (AOC) NC Human Trafficking Commission, to be used to make grants to provide programs or services that combat human trafficking or assist victims of human trafficking or sex offenses. Species that the Fund consists of the adult live entertainment business fee and any other appropriations, gifts, grants, donations, and bequests. Requires AOC to determining eligibility requirements and develop guidelines for the grant program. Sets out five minimum eligibility requirements for recipients, including that the recipient be a local government entity or nonprofit, that it act in support of victims of human trafficking or offenses involving sexual exploitation, and that it have been in operation on the preceding July 1 and continue to operate. Require the Commission to report annually on the specified information to the specified NCGA committee and division. 

    Effective July 1, 2023.