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  • Summary date: Mar 16 2023 - View Summary

    Establishes the eight-member NC Semiquincentennial Legislative Commission (Commission) to plan for the observance of the semiquincentennial of the American Revolution in NC. The Commission is required to coordinate with the North Carolina USA 250th Committee and the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources to make recommendations for the observance. Recommendations shall include any proposed legislation or appropriation appropriate to carry out the recommendations. Provides for Commission membership, meetings, member expenses, and staff. Grants the Committee powers regarding information, data, or document requests of State officers, agents, agencies and departments that is the same of legislative committees set forth in GS 120-19. Requires the Commission to submit interim reports by December 1 annually, beginning December 1, 2023, and a final report by April 15, 2031, to the specified NCGA committee chairs. Terminates the Commission on the earlier of April 15, 2031, or the submission of the report.