House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Revises proposed GS 143B-1033, which prohibits employers from discriminating against or taking any adverse employment actions against an employee based on either the employee's membership in the NC Wing-Air Patrol, or the employee's statutorily authorized absence. Changes the meaning of an authorized absence to mean one that is required to perform duties incident to a State approved mission or US Air Force authorized mission, is no longer than seven consecutive scheduled (was, normal) working days for the employee, and which does not exceed 14 total scheduled (was, normal) working day absences for the employee in one calendar year. Eliminates the charge to the Commissioner of Labor to enforce the statute's provisions. Makes conforming organizational changes.
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Bill H 1001 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 7 2022 - View Summary
Bill H 1001 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 19 2022 - View Summary
Enacts GS 143B-1033. Prohibits employers from discriminating against or taking any adverse employment actions against an employee based on either the employee's membership in the NC Wing-Air Patrol, or the employee's statutorily authorized absence, meaning one that is required to perform duties incident to a State approved mission or US Air Force authorized mission, is no longer than seven consecutive normal working days for the employee, and which does not exceed 14 total working day absences for the employee in one calendar year. Permits the employer to require documentation of the employee's mission order. Specifies that the enactment does not require an employer to pay salary or wages to an employee during an authorized absence unless the employee chooses to use paid leave. Charges the Commissioner of Labor with enforcement of these provisions consistent with Article 21 of GS Chapter 95, Retaliatory Employment Discrimination.
Appropriates $5,000 from the General Fund to the Department of Labor for 2022-23 to create and provide educational materials to employers relating to new GS 143B-1033.
Effective July 1, 2022.