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  • Summary date: Mar 24 2021 - View Summary

    Makes the following changes to GS Chapter 50 regarding domestic violence protective orders.

    Amends GS 50B-2 to allow an aggrieved party and the defendant to participate in hearings via video conference to consider renewals of protective orders with assistance from the clerk of superior court.

    Amends GS 50B-3 to provide that when an aggrieved party files a motion to renew a protective order prior to the expiration of the current protective order but the hearing date on the motion is after the date and time that the current protective order expires, the current protective order is automatically extended to expire at 11:59 p.m. on the date of the scheduled renewal hearing. Makes the extension of the current order effective upon service of the defendant of notice of both the renewal hearing and the extension. Bars an automatic extension from being effective longer than 30 days beyond the original expiration date. Adds a new provision to require forms used by the court or the Administrative Office of the Courts to record identifying information of the plaintiff or the defendant in an action under the Chapter to be sealed upon filing, with any unauthorized release of sealed information punishable by a Class 1 misdemeanor. Excludes access by court order to law enforcement officers for law enforcement purposes, and to domestic violence advocacy groups approved by the chief district court judge where the action is filed. 

    Applies to motions filed on or after October 1, 2021.