Bill Summaries: H1221 FUNDS FOR NCCU PROGRAMS.

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  • Summary date: May 27 2020 - View Summary

    Directs the State Controller to transfer $1.1 million from the Coronavirus Relief Reserve to the Coronavirus Relief Fund (both established by SL 2020-4) for the 2019-20 fiscal year. Appropriates the transferred funds on a nonrecurring basis to the Office of State Budget and Management for the 2019-20 fiscal year. Requires allocation of the funds to NC Central University (NCCU) in the amounts of $1 million for the expansion of online learning capacity for students, and $100,000 to address food insecurity and basic needs of students impacted by COVID-19. Directs NCCU to report to the specified NCGA committee by September 30, 2020, on the use of appropriated funds. Restricts use of funds to necessary eligible expenditures incurred during the period beginning March 1, 2020, and ending December 30, 2020. Provides for the funds to remain available until December 30, 2020.

    Appropriates $6 million in recurring funds from the General Fund to the UNC Board of Governors (BOG) for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Requires allocation of the funds to NCCU in the amounts of $3 million for operational support of the Biomanufacturing Research Institute and Technology Enterprise, and $3 million for operation and repair expenses of the Julius L. Chambers Biomedical Biotechnology Research Institute. Effective July 1, 2020.