Appropriates $11,677,441 from the federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA) funds awarded by specified federal law, and $2,335,488 as the required match from the State General Fund to the specified budget code for the State Board of Elections (State Board) for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Restricts use of the funds to (1) enhancing and upgrading voting equipment and election auditing; (2) improving the voter registration system and management; (3) protecting against cyber vulnerabilities; (4) providing training and communication; and (5) assisting with providing personal protective equipment and hiring temporary staff to process an increase in absentee ballot demands. Requires reversion of any unspent federal HAVA funds to the specified budget code with any remaining State match funds reverting as specified under state law.
Appropriates $10,987,295 in federal CARES Act funds, and $2,120,497 as the required match from the State General Fund, to the specified budget code of the State Board for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Restricts use of the funds to (1) increasing the ability of voters to vote by mail or absentee ballot; (2) expanding early voting and online voter registration; and (3) improving safety of in-person voting by providing personal protective equipment and additional voting facilities and hiring additional poll workers. Requires compliance with the federal CARES Act.
Allows for funds provided under the act to be used for special elections or applied to ballot recounts.
Directs the State Board to report to the specified NCGA committee and division on the use of appropriated funds by February 28, 2021.
Applies to the 2020 federal election cycle.
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Bill H 1197 (2019-2020)Summary date: May 26 2020 - View Summary