Part I.
Requires the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to study and make recommendations on raising salaries of noncertified public school employees to at least $15 per hour. Sets out issues that must be considered in the study. Requires DPI to report on the study results to the specified NCGA committee by January 15, 2020.
Part II.
Amends Part II of SL 2018-2 to delay the phase in of the reduction in class sizes by one school year. Makes conforming delays in the teacher position allotment changes and in the restrictions on transfers for teacher position allotments. Also amends GS 115C-301(c2)(3) to delay the changes in the appropriation for program enhancement teachers.
Part III.
Effective from the date this act becomes law until June 30, 2020, allows local boards of education to transfer and approve transfers of any unexpended cash balance in an allotment category to another allotment category subject to the following, including limitations related to funds for career and technical education, funds for children with disabilities, students with limited English proficiency, and academically or intellectually gifted students categories. Prohibits transferring funds into the central office allotment category. Allows positions allocated for classroom teachers to be converted to dollar equivalents to contract for visiting international exchange teachers. Allows positions allocated for classroom teachers and instructional support personnel to be converted to dollar equivalents for any purpose authorized by the State Board of Education (SBOE). Allows funds allocated for school building administration to be converted for any purpose authorized by SBOE. Prohibits the transfer of funds to carry out the elements of the Excellent Public Schools Act. Allows Funds allotted for textbooks and digital resources to be used only to acquire textbooks and digital resources and related technology. Allows a local board of education to transfer the unexpended cash balance in the drivers education allotment category to another allotment category.
Effective July 1, 2020, for the 2020-21 fiscal year only, allows local boards of education to transfer and approve transfers of funds in an allotment category to another allotment category subject to the same limitations discussed above.
Part IV.
Appropriates an additional $2.9 million from the Coronavirus Relief Fund to the Department of Public Instruction to hold in reserve and award as grants to public school units to support extraordinary costs associated with providing Extended School Year Services or future service for exceptional children who qualify for the services due to the impacts of COVID-19.
Part V.
Reenacts the provisions of the State Budget Act and incorporates them by reference.
Specifies that except where expressly repealed or amended, the provisions of any other legislation enacted during the 2019 Regular Session that expressly appropriate funds to an agency, department, or institution covered under this act, remain in effect.
Provides that if H 966 (2019 Appropriations Act) becomes law, and any provisions conflict with this act, then this act prevails.
Bill Summaries: S765 EDUCATION OMNIBUS.
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Bill S 765 (2019-2020)Summary date: May 15 2020 - View Summary