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  • Summary date: May 14 2020 - View Summary

    Provides that no criminal liability applies to any provision of an executive order issued by the Governor in response to the COVID-19 emergency or a prohibition or restriction issued by a city or a county in response to the COVID-19 emergency that restricts a business owner or religious organization's ability to operate if the owner or religious organization makes reasonable efforts to maintain and enforce social distancing. Abates all prosecutions for violation of any provisions described above and prohibits charging court costs. Provides that any business operating as required above must not be closed by any law enforcement entity for violation of an executive order if the business is operating in compliance with the above. Excludes businesses or establishments engaged in providing the use of video gaming machines. Allows a business or establishment providing the use of video gaming machines along with other goods and services, that otherwise meets the criteria above, to operate the portions of its business that do not involve video gaming machines. Sets the maximum civil fine that may be levied against any person who is liable for a violation referenced in above at $5.

    Appropriates $5,000 in nonrecurring funds for 2019-20 from the General Fund to the Department of Commerce, to develop and provide educational materials to businesses and religious organizations on the provisions of this act.

    Applies retroactively to March 23, 2020.