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  • Summary date: May 2 2020 - View Summary

    Identical to S 707, filed 4/30/20.

    Requires the NC Ports Authority, as part of its five-year strategic planning process to implement measures to: (1) address port utilization, throughput, gate times, and ship turnaround times at the Port of Morehead City; and (2) adequately address the dimensions and factors of maritime port service quality identified in the specified finding in the Program Evaluation Division's Report No. 2019-07.

    Amends GS 136-263 to expand the requirement for the Ports Authority to provide adequate equipment and facilities in order to maintain existing and future levels of containerized cargo shipping and provide and encourage growth in handling of containerized cargoes so that it applies generally and not specifically to the ports of Morehead City and Wilmington.

    Requires the Ports Authority to report annually, beginning June 30, 2020, to the specified NCGA committees and division, on a status update of the Port Authority's implementation of an environmental management system.