Part I.
Directs the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to study and report the narrow spans of control within the Divisions of Mitigation Services and Marine Fisheries, the Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs, and the Department’s Financial Services and Human Resources units. Defines narrow span of control as an organizational structure in which a supervisor oversees three or fewer employees, as specified. Details parameters of the study and report, due to the specified NCGA committee by February 1, 2021, including detailed justifications of the positions involved, identification of narrow spans of control that could be combined or collapsed into other spans, and determination of the feasibility and effectiveness in combining narrow spans of control and retaining employees by salary increase rather than supervisory promotion, as described.
Part II.
Directs DEQ to develop a business plan and return on investment analysis for the Permitting Transformation Project (PTP), including a data-driven analysis of costs and anticipated benefits, an implementation timeline, a comparison of the intended PTP approach to a standard or customized system from a private vendor, and a summary comparison of the intended PTP approach to that used in other states.
Additionally, directs DEQ to develop a performance management system for the PTP, including a method for establishing permit processing performance measures and benchmarks and a plan for collecting permit processing data over time to longitudinally assess performance. Requires consultation with the Office of State Budget and Management. Directs DEQ to report to the specified NCGA committee by February 1, 2021.
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Bill H 1049 (2019-2020)Summary date: Apr 29 2020 - View Summary