Establishes the Competency-Based Mathematics Education Pilot Program (Pilot) within the Department of Public Instruction to be administered for five years, the purpose of which is to allow students in grades 9-12 to advance to higher levels of mathematics courses contingent upon the mastery of concepts and skills, rather than upon the awarding of course credits. Exempts participating schools and their students from the requirements of the standard course of study in mathematics. Requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Department of Public Instruction to develop guidelines selecting Pilot participants. Requires dissemination of the selection guidelines and the application form by October 31, 2019. Sets out minimum requirements for the application form. Allows approving up to five local school administrative units for participation in the Pilot. Requires participants to implement the plans presented in their applications beginning with the 2020-21 school year.
Appropriates $500,000 in nonrecurring funds for 2019-20 from the General Fund to the Department of Public Instruction to administer and evaluate the Pilot.
Requires participating local school administrative units to be selected during the 2019-20 school year for implementation of the Pilot beginning with the 2020-21 school year.
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Bill H 1000 (2019-2020)Summary date: Apr 26 2019 - View Summary