Includes whereas clauses.
Establishes the 11-member Science Advisory Board (Board) within the Department of Environmental Quality. Provides for the makeup of the Board and appointment of members for two-year terms at the pleasure of the Secretaries of DEQ and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Provides for a chair and cochairs, and frequency of meetings. Enumerates ten duties of the Board, including to advise the Environmental Management Commission on information concerning the regulation and evaluation of release of contaminants that come to the attention of the Board; to act as consultants regarding DEQ's determinations to regulate releases of contaminants and in determining factors for establishing acceptable levels for contaminants and for remediation levels for contaminants in other media; and to provide assessment of the state of the science informing current policy issues in the areas of public health and the environment, upon request of the Secretaries of DEQ and DHHS. Directs the Secretaries of DEQ and DHHS to jointly provide oversight and direction to the Board and designate staff to serve as Board liaisons. Specifies members and staff of DEQ and DHHS divisions to provide technical support to the Board. Provides for member expenses.
Effective July 1, 2019. Deems members currently serving on the Secretaries' Science Advisory Board (created by a charter ratified by the Secretary of DEQ and the Secretary of DHHS on July 28, 2017) on the effective date of the act to constitute the initial members of the Board.
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Bill H 738 (2019-2020)Summary date: Apr 11 2019 - View Summary