Names the act and declares its purpose as modifying the teaching of English language arts and mathematics for K-12 in local school administrative units.
Amends GS 115C-12 to require the State Board of Education (Board) to consult with the Superintendent of Public Instruction in developing the standards for reading, writing, math, science, history, geography, and civics. Requires a full review, when developing standards of available and relevant academic content standards that are challenging (was, rigorous). Adds that the Board must ensure that developed standards surpass the Common Core Standards adopted in 2010.
Amends GS 115C-47 to give local boards of education the duty to develop high-quality English language arts and mathematics curricula based on standards adopted by the Board. Requires the curricula to be submitted to the State Board for approval every three years. Sets out items that must be included in the curricula. Requires giving parents information on the content standards no later than four weeks from the start of each school year.
Requires the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to collaborate with the educational agencies of other states that have rejected Common Core, for ideas on strengthening the state's standards. Also requires the consideration of forming an interstate excellence in educational standards partnership with any combination of these or other similarly focused states; requires presenting a recommendation for such a partnership to the specified NCGA committee by May 15, 2020.
Amends GS 115C-105.39A by adding that a continually low-performing local school administrative unit is one that has been designated by the State Board as low-performing under the statute for at least two of three consecutive years. If designated as such, high schools in that unit must offer a math curriculum that follows the specified traditional course sequence as follows; sets out the criteria under which an exemption may be allowed. Requires the State Board to take steps to eliminate Integrated Mathematics in continually low-performing local school administrative units.
Requires DPI to develop standards and documents for teaching and assessing writing for K-12 and requires providing related annual professional development. Requires DPI, by June 15, 2019, to recommend to the State Board a plan for administering biannual assessments for teachers who have completed the professional development.
Requires DPI to ensure that explicit phonics instruction is provided daily. Requires the State Board to ensure that principles of high-quality reading instruction are clearly defined and requires developing a uniform model reflecting that definition, which must include teacher-directed, child-centered instruction and personalized learning. Requires DPI to develop instruction methods and implement a professional development initiative.
Requires daily phonics-based spelling instruction in grades K-8. Sets out additional requirements for the spelling curriculum. Requires students to be assessed at least weekly and requires parent notification of student progress. Requires DPI to report annually by May 15 to the specified NCGA committee on the status of spelling instruction and student performance.
Requires the State Board to ensure that students in K-12 receive challenging instruction to promote vocabulary development.
Requires DPI to report annually by October to the State Board on the teaching of print and cursive writing in grades K-5. Specifies minimum report requirements.
Requires local boards to establish specific mastery goals by grade and by standards and to implement a systematic way to measure student progress.
Applies beginning with the 2020-21 school year.
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Bill H 711 (2019-2020)Summary date: Apr 11 2019 - View Summary