Enacts new GS 106-137.1. Requires cosmetic manufacturers to disclose on their website the name and Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number, in descending order of predominance (ingredients composing less than 1% of a cosmetic may be listed without respect to predominance), of each ingredient in cosmetics manufactured, distributed, or offered for retail sale in this state. Does not require disclosure of the concentration of an ingredient. Violation subjects the manufacturer to civil penalties under GS 160-124.1, but does not constitute misbranding. Violation is not a misdemeanor, notwithstanding GS 106-124. Makes a conforming change to GS 106-124.
Directs the Commissioner of Agriculture, notwithstanding 02 NCAC 09B .0116(o)(145) (Rule) to require cosmetics manufacturers to disclose ingredients as directed by GS 106-137.1. Directs the Board of Agriculture (Board) to amend the Rule consistent with this requirement of the Director, and directs the Board to implement the Rule subject to the requirement of the Director until the effective date of the amendment to the rule. Effective when it becomes law.
Effective July 1, 2020, except as otherwise indicated.
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Bill H 705 (2019-2020)Summary date: Apr 10 2019 - View Summary