Amends GS 77-70, the definitions for the Mountain Island Lake Marine Commission (Commission), making clarifying changes and adding and defining participating counties.
Amends GS 77-71, to make organizational changes, now providing that the provisions of any joint resolution can be modified, amended, or rescinded by a subsequent joint resolution made with the unanimous consent of the participating counties (previously did not require unanimous consent). Provides that after a unilateral withdrawal from participation by a participating county the Commission will continue with the remaining participating counties, with any property of the withdrawing county being distributed as determined by all participating counties. Provides that all property of the Commission will be distributed as specified if all participating counties withdraw.
Amends GS 77-72, deleting various provisions that provided for the membership of the governing board. Now provides that the Commission will have a governing board of seven members, distributed between the participating counties based on their relative population, subject to the provisions of this section. Makes organizational changes.
Amends GS 77-73, 77-74, 77-75, 77-76(a), and 77-78(a), making technical and conforming changes.
Provides that this act only applies to Gaston, Lincoln, and Mecklenburg counties.
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Bill S 471 (2019-2020)Summary date: Apr 2 2019 - View Summary