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  • Summary date: Mar 12 2019 - View Summary

    Amends GS 20-50.4, which prohibits the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) from registering a vehicle to an owner upon receipt of a report from a child support enforcement agency that sanctions have been imposed for noncompliance pursuant to GS 110-142.2(a)(3) until the DMV receives certification that the payments are no longer considered delinquent. Authorizes licensed dealers to obtain a limited registration plate pursuant to GS 20-79.1A on behalf of a person purchasing a vehicle, notwithstanding the delinquent child support obligations. 

    Adds identical authorizations for licensed dealers to obtain a limited registration plate on behalf of a person purchasing a vehicle, notwithstanding obligations owed, to GS 20-54(6), (10), (11), (12), and (13), which prohibit the DMV from issuing vehicle registration or titles, or transfer registration for: (1) vehicles not in compliance with vehicle inspection requirements or unpaid outstanding related penalties; (2) owners with outstanding tolls, fees, or penalties assessed by the NC Turnpike Authority; (3) owners with outstanding fines or penalties resulting from failure to stop for a school bus; (4) owners with outstanding fees or penalties resulting from a lapse in financial responsibility for the operation of the vehicle; and (5) owners with outstanding fees or penalties resulting from violations of vehicle size, weight, construction, and equipment restrictions. 

    Amends GS 20-79.1A, concerning criteria for the issuance of a limited registration plate. Adds a new requirement for a dealer to notify the purchaser of any outstanding civil penalties, fees, tolls, and obligations owed before the dealer applies for a title to a motor vehicle and a registration plate for the vehicle.