Amends SL 2017-57, Section 5.3, as amended, to allow grants from the Needs-Based Public School Capital Fund (Fund) to be awarded to all counties and no longer gives priority to counties designated as development tier one areas. Make the requirement for grant funds subject to requirements established by the Superintendent of Public Instruction but requires at least $1 of grant funds for ever $1 in county funds. Caps grant funds awarded to a county at $15 million. Makes conforming deletions.
Amends SL 2017-57, Section 7.22, by repealing subsections c, d, and e, which required that specified amounts be allocated from the cooperative innovative high school supplemental allotment to a local school administrative unit located in a development tier one area, tier two area, and tier three area, respectively, that had a cooperative innovative high school.
Requires the Department of Public Instruction, beginning with 2019-20, to allocate in equal amounts per school on a recurring basis, the cooperative innovative high school supplemental allotment to local school administrative units for each cooperative innovative high school located in the unit that (1) is approved by the State Board of Education and (2) received funds for the cooperative innovative high school supplemental allotment for the 2017-19 biennium.
Prohibits, beginning with the 2019-20 fiscal year, any State agency responsible for the allocation of State funds for education purposes to elementary and secondary public schools, community colleges under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Community Colleges, or the UNC constituent institutions from using the economic development tier designation for a county as the basis for the allocation of those State funds.
Repeals all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act.
Effective July 1, 2019.
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Bill H 209 (2019-2020)Summary date: Feb 27 2019 - View Summary