House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Changes the due date of the report on the results of the study of the feasibility of local education agencies participating in NC HealthConnex from April 15, 2019, to October 1, 2019.
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Bill H 90 (2019-2020)Summary date: Apr 8 2019 - View Summary
Bill H 90 (2019-2020)Summary date: Feb 18 2019 - View Summary
Identical to S 64, filed 2/14/19.
Directs the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), Exceptional Children Division (Division) to incorporate into its policies and procedures an evaluation system for the Division’s technical assistance and support programs provided to the directors of exceptional children programs for local education agencies and other school personnel. Describes parameters for the evaluation system. Directs the Division to report to the specified NCGA Committee by December 15, 2019.
Directs the Government Data Analytics Center (Center) of the Department of Information Technology (DIT), in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and DPI, to study the feasibility of local education agencies participating in the NC Health Information Exchange Network (HIE Network, known as NC Health Connex), as Medicaid providers of healthcare services to students. Describes parameters for the study. Directs the Center to report the study results to the specified NCGA committees and the Division by April 15, 2019.