Amends SL 1965-559, Section 2, as amended by SL 1969-456, enacting new Section 2.1, granting the Windsor Township Development Commission (Commission) the authority to acquire and hold title to real and personal property, and to borrow money and incur debt, for public purposes, including the construction and maintaining of affordable rental housing units for employees of Bertie County, Bertie County schools, the Town of Windsor, and State employees residing in Bertie County. Grants the Commission the authority to enter into leases, management agreements, and similar arrangements with Bertie County to manage, lease, and maintain these rental housing units. Grants the Commission the authority to accept grants or donations of money contributed for public purposes.
Grants Bertie County the authority to enter into leases, management agreements, or similar arrangements with the Commission for the County to manage, lease, and maintain these rental housing units. Directs Bertie County to restrict the rental of these units to Bertie County Public Schools teachers and employees, unless units cannot be filled by school employees, in which case units are to be rented to employees of Bertie County, the Town of Windsor, and State employees residing in Bertie County.
Does not exempt these affordable housing units from compliance with applicable building codes and other health and safety regulations. Effective notwithstanding GS 66-58 and GS Chapter 153A and 160A.
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Bill S 804 (2017-2018)Summary date: Jun 5 2018 - View Summary