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  • Summary date: Mar 20 2013 - View Summary

    Amends GS 90-186 (Special powers of the Board), providing that the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board (Board) may increase fees as long as no fee is increased more that 15% within a calendar year and the cumulative total increases of any fee does not exceed 100% of the fee amounts set in this subdivision.  Makes technical changes.

    Provides for set fees on all the different certifications, licenses, and examinations; fees are set at the highest rate previously allowed (previously, there was a sliding scale with only a ceiling price set), with the inspection of a veterinary practice facility being raised to $125 ($75 was the highest that could be charged before). Deletes provision for charging for copies of Board materials.

    Amends GS 90-187.9, (Reinstatement), deleting language of old section. Creates new GS 90-187.9(a-d), providing that persons who have lost their licenses for failure to apply for a new license may be reinstated at any time within three years of the revocation. Individuals must submit proof of continuing education and pay required fees. A person who has their license revoked for more than three years may qualify for licensure after filing an application with the Board and meeting the requirements of GS 90-187 or GS 187.3. A person who has their registration revoked for more than three years for failure to apply for registration can qualify for registration after filing an application with the Board and meeting requirements of GS 90-186(4), and any other rules of the Board. Subject to the conditions of the Board, any person whose license or registration is revoked for a reason other than failure to apply with renewal may, in the Board's discretion, be re-licensed or re-registered at any time by majority vote of the Board.

    Creates new section GS 90-187.16 (Electronic mail names or addresses not a public record), which provides that identifying information sent to the board cannot be released by them.  A redacted or removed information record is deemed a public record if it meets the requirements of GS 132.