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  • Summary date: Mar 20 2013 - View Summary

    Establishes the 21-member Youth Accountability Planning Task Force (Task Force) within the Division of Juvenile Justice and specifies eight issues to be studied by the Task Force, including the adequacy of transitional housing for delinquent juveniles exiting youth development centers, feasibility of providing transitional housing for juveniles exiting youth development centers with children transitioning from foster care to independent housing, and the adequacy of dispositional options available to Juvenile Court for status offenders. Requires a final report to the 2013 General Assembly when it reconvenes in 2014, at which time the Task Force terminates. Allows the Task Force to apply for grants of non-state funds to assist in performing its duties and allows the Division of Juvenile Justice to use appropriated funds to carry out the study and devise the implementation plan. Provides for the Task Force's membership, including ex officio members, staffing, and cooperation by government agencies.

    Appropriates $650,000 for 2013-14 and $650,000 for 2014-15 to the Division of Juvenile Justice to implement a pilot program for transitional housing for juveniles exiting youth development centers.

    Effective July 1, 2013.