Amends GS 143B-135.56(b), setting forth the allocation and uses of funds from the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (Fund).
Currently, subdivision (2) requires 30% of the funds of the Fund to be allocated to provide matching funds to local governmental units or public authorities as defined in GS 159-7 on a dollar-for-dollar basis for local park and recreation purposes, and allows the appraised value of the land that is donated to a local government unit or public authority to be applied to the matching requirement of this provision. This act replaces the dollar-for-dollar local match requirements, and instead bases the matching requirements for projects under subdivision (2) on the most recent development tier designation, as defined in GS 143B-437.08, of the county containing the local governmental unit or public authority, as follows.
Sets the local governmental unit match at 50% for local park and recreation purposes other than projects described below. Provides that the appraised value of land that is donated to a local government unit or public authority can by applied to the match required by this provision.
Sets the local governmental unit match at 15% for tier one counties and 10% for tier two or three counties for land acquisition, including the acquisition of unbuildable lots for public recreational purposes. Requires at least 50% of the local match to be in cash, and allows up to 50% to be the value of in-kind donations by the local governmental unit.
Sets the local governmental match at 25% in tier one counties and 10% in tier two and three counties for park and recreation site improvements. Requires at least 50% of the local match to be in cash, and allows up to 50% to be the value of in-kind donations by the local governmental unit.
Effective July 1, 2017.
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Bill S 484 (2017-2018)Summary date: Mar 29 2017 - View Summary